Thursday, September 12, 2013

Alice in La La Land

P/s: This story wrote by my very own friend Kate Lim, Its so inspiring and an eye opener about how we corrupted our 'file' by listening to society. Sometimes is good for us to step back and ponder, whether do we live our life until now or do we live the life that society want us to? Because even God could not help us if we choose not to help our self.. Enjoy reading! 

Story title: Alice in LA LA Land by KiatShin Lim

Once upon a time, there was a girl name Alice.  

Alice was taught by her parents that at age 10, every girl should go out and find money for the parents. This is how life should be.   

So at age 10, Alice began working as a house keeper. Her employer was abusive and they always made her do things out of her strength and capability.  So Alice went home and told her parents about this and this is what her parents said to her: “It is your job, you should be responsible of everything. Don’t ask us for solution. You must solve everything in life yourself.”  

“Parents should know best “Alice thought.   

So she continued to work in the house, and of course, the abuse never stopped.   

On Alice 11th birthday, she wished that she could meet god so that she could tell everything to god, hoping god would change her life.   

The next day, as Alice was fetching water from the well, she tripped and fell into the well. As she opened her eyes, she found herself safe and sound, sitting on a beautiful grass. As she looked around, she saw a human figure sitting by the lake. She approached the person only to find out that he was GOD.  

God asked Alice: “What brought you here Alice. How’s life for you?”  

Immediately, Alice mind was flooded with all the abusive experiences she had at work and she wanted to tell this to God. But suddenly, Alice paused as another thought came into her mind: 
“If this is god, he should know what is going on. If god knows what is going on with my life, I should not be complaining any of this. What god gave me; it must be good; just like all that my parents have taught me, they must be good too!” So Alice smiled and said: “Everything is good God.”  

God went on and asked: “Is there anything that you would like ask me, Alice?”  

Alice had so many questions to ask in her mind - like she couldn't understand why she has to work at age 10 when other kids are at school. But Alice remained silent and said: “No God!”   

”Before you go, would you like to make a wish?” asked God. 

 Alice puzzled for a moment and said NO.  

When Alice woke up, she noticed she was late for work. So she quickly dressed up and ran hurriedly to work. On her way to work, she wondered if the incident that happened the day before was real. The image of God kept popping up in her mind and she couldn't help wonder if that was truly God.   

Alice couldn't focus at work, and this caught her employer’s attention. He began beating Alice up with a broom stick but Alice did not cry because Alice was taught by her parents that crying is only for babies.   

As Alice arrived home after work, her parents was furious to see her injuries. They blamed her for not doing a great job at work and that she deserved to be punished.   

Alice felt confused and helpless.  

While she lay on her bed, Alice began to wonder if that was God that she met. She thought: “If that was God, he could have known everything that is going on in my life – but he didn't seem to know; he didn't do anything.”  

Alice concluded that HE wasn't God and she fell asleep.   

The next morning, her normal routine continued...  

Overtime, Alice's body could not take the heavy workload as a housekeeper anymore, dis-ease gradually developed and she passed away at age 15.   

When Alice woke up in heaven, she saw the same person that she met at the bottom of the well – God.

Alice was so furious; she walked up to God and asked him: “You met me the other day, you know what was going on with my life! But you didn't help me. How could you!?”  

- - -  
Is it so?” asked God.   

And HE paused for a while with his eyes closed and continued with his reply: 
“I thought I asked you how life was and you said GOOD”.  

“I was lying and you should know that!” said Alice angrily.  

“Yes. I know you were lying Alice!”, replied God. “That’s why I couldn't help you.”   

“I gave you the chance to speak the truth, but you refused. You would rather obey what you THOUGHT is the right thing to do than to speak the truth from your heart.   

How can I safe you?   

- The End -


  1. Replies
    1. seacaymy, I will let Kate knows and make sure she write more!
