Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Flower Bud

Title: The Flower Bud
By: Evangaline

P/s: This is an amateur writing, trying to express herself through writing. With the hope more people will be help through her words. Enjoy and don't forget to drop your feedback on the comment box!!

Once upon a time, in a beautiful garden. New flower buds come out, she's very excited to grow big and bloom. Everyday she sees the other flowers in the garden blooming and there's a lot of bees and butterfly love to fly to the flower. 
Then she starts comparing herself with the blooming flower. After sometimes her leaf turns yellowish and her stem become weak. 
She always thinks "They're so beautiful and confident, while I'm very small and worthless, no bee or butterfly would want to come to me" whisper the small flower bud.
She comes closer to the flower bud.
"Hi there, what's wrong with you?" Why do you look so dull?" Ask the butterfly.
"I didn't feel good about myself after looking at all the beautiful flower in this garden, they're so beautiful and confident. Sometimes I feel like they don't like me because I'm small and not as beautiful as they are" answer the flower bud, very sad.
"My dear friend, why did you hurt yourself by having the thought? You just don't see your own capability and strength yet.
Every flower that bloom here use to be like you, wondering what's like to grow up and bloom".
"Will I be big?"
"Will I be fragrant?"
"Will I be as beautiful as the rest?"
Do not worry my dear friend, be patience and just keep taking care of yourself.
Make sure you have enough mineral from the soil, get enough water to keep you hydrate and get enough sunlight to support your growth.
And you will soon see.
When you are ready to bloom and have full confident with yourself, not looking out comparing you with the other flower...
You will bloom beautifully, your fragrance will fill the air attracting all the bees and butterfly to admire you. 
And your beauty will touch the lives of others and your presence will be a blessing to the garden.
You are beautiful now and you'll be always beautiful. You just need to accept your strength and weakness.
By then , you'll see what I can see"
Then the butterfly fly away and stop at one beautiful rose that live across the flower bud.
After listening to the butterfly, flower buds then realize that she worth a piece of place in the garden, her presence is not worthless but a blessing.
And then she starts to take care of herself without looking out to compare with other flower.
She just happy absorbing all the minerals, water and sun.

After sometimes, the butterfly fly to the same garden and she remembered there's one small flower bud that she talked to before.
But when she arrived, she was shocked to see that there's no more flower bud there.
But there is one big Roses blooming happily and healthily.
Her fragrance can be smell from far and her presence make all the worries in the heart go away.
The butterfly is full of curiosity, because the rose that she sees now is different than what she saw before.
So she decided to go there and talk to the flower.
"Hi there, do you remember me?" Ask the butterfly to the rose
"Hi butterfly, of course I remember you
You are the one who make me realize who I am.
You have made me realize that to be confident and strong, we have to take a good care of myself.
When I just a flower bud, I'm always look outside of me.
Looking at all the other flower, envy and putting them up high, until I forgot to take care of myself.
After we talked, you've open up my eyes, and now I'm happy with myself and I'm enjoying every moment of my life.
Thank you my dear butterfly"
Dear beautiful rose, I have done nothing, I just help you to understand that beauties are deep within.
When you have the beauty in you, it will shine through to the surface.
And my duty here is now over, I should leave.
Goodbye rose, hopefully we will see each other again", 
And by that  the butterfly spread her wing and fly away.
The Rose let the butterfly go with full of joy.
As she knows, that the butterfly go for good, to spread the joy to other flowers.
And she is very glad that she speaks out her mind to the butterfly and now she become her truly self.
The beautiful rose flower, a very strong flower and full of confidence.

P/s: Image credit to Google

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