Sunday, January 26, 2014

SWO Monthly Charity Visit


Today is the most happiest day of my life. That I could help and guide 63 children. I am committed to give them good health and take care of their health for the rest of their life which I will do so through my foundation. I gave them my word that I will give them good nutrition for their immune system and physical well-being and I will also tackle their current health issues. Apart from that we will also change all their beds, mattress and install for them good quality water filter. 

Today we gave them a start to showing them how good life can be. We gave them good games and sports for mental stimulation; volleyball for the girls and basketball for the boys. We also gave them table tennis and foosball table. Apart from that, we are also giving them movies and science and discovery programmes for them to watch, learn and relax their mind, as well as computers for their education. 

These kids need to have good knowledge even though they are underprivileged. If we keep looking at them as orphans and poor, they will remain poor. If we give them good health, good knowledge and good understandings in life, one day they will know how to stand up in their life. And I am committed to do that. I thank to all the volunteers today and members of Avatarians. Thanks for all your support. I really appreciate your good support. This year, SWO is going to go all out to help children, to give them good health. We have the services, facilities and formulations to support them. Thanks to all Sshapeup London employees too.

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