Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Port Dickson Quest!

Today i'm writing about my last Sunday blues.
I'm actually plan to write it earlier, but because of a lot of things that happens and all the meetings that I need to attend, I only able to write it today. (FYI, I'm still in the office-doing some research)
Okay, last Sunday is supposed to be a day where I need to go to one of my treatment centre, to help here and there. But, due to last minute changes, it turns out that I no need to go.
Means, I'll have time for myself that day. (*BIG grin here)
I decided to go for a movie with my girlfriend (she also in the same boat as me).
And the movie that I've choose is Step Up Revolution, which is an awesome movies!
If someone ask me to rate the movie, i'll rate 4.9/5 (*nothing is perfect right?)

Ok, here is some of the THE MOB crew:

and here is the sexy Ryan Guzman

After 1 hour plus of exciting dance mob and staring at handsome Ryan Guzman on the big screen,
My friend suggested that we drive down to Port Dickson Beach, which is a very well-known beach in Malaysia (for those who wonders).
Its only 20 minutes drive down from Seremban 2 (we drive at 100kmph++).
When we arrive, there is not so many people due to fasting month where all of the muslim visitors that normally dominated the beach is not advised to go into the water when they're fasting..
So, more space for the other visitors. (Yeay!)
As you can see, there is banana boat, which I had one experience riding it back in 2008, and its not so nice, because I like riding in high speed, but the boat that I rode is not as fast as I wish, to make it worse, the driver of the boat drift the boat and throw us in the deep water, where I not even know how to swim. Thank God there is a thing called life jacket.

 Okay, its tidal wave.. so we have to walk like almost 1km to the water.
(I think I'm exaggerate here..hahaha) and,
present in the photo is my beach partner for today, the lovely Shida.

Hmm.. its me, I'm already half wet this time. 
Its all happen when a short girl like me try to follow a taller person in the water.
 A big waves come and wet my pants. 
Looks like my car seat will be wet then. ;)

This is the view of the beach from the sea, while I'm walking back after successfully making my pants wet..

After looking back at this photo then I realize that Port Dickson is not soo bad. 
The view is beautiful (if its empty).
 Two years I stay here and I forgot to enjoy the beauty. :D

Last glimpse at the other visitor before we get back to the beach..

We stop in the middle of the beach to do one to the compulsory things that you do when you're at the beach. Write on the sand, and let the shore wash it (in our case, it'll take hours because its still tidal wave, the wave will start rising in couple more hours after we left i think)

Can you read the message? I bet you can't right?
Here I wrote 
ASH (me)
SHIDA (myfriend)
(quotes from Ryan Guzman in Step Up Revolution)
**please ignore the foot mark..

Opposite of the beach there is one Food Bazaar, the place where hungry fasting people come to buy their break-fasting menu. 
And we went there just to make the place even more crowded. (like its will make any differences. hahaha)

There is a lot of food sold here and there is a lot of people also.
I didn't buy anything as I don't really fancy the idea of eating food that being cooked by someone which is hungry and I don't know what are their thinking or feeling when they cook the food.
Because I know myself, I cannot eat food like that, or it'll disturb me the next day.. (touch wood)

After we get what my friend want for her snack, we drive back to Seremban and continue our life in real world. Watching movie and went to the beach sound fun to others but it just a dream for us. The real one awaits us in Seremban.

P/s: If there is someone out there who read my blog (a big thanks there) and they might plan to visit Malaysia  sometimes (in future maybe), I suggest you to visit Port Dickson. It's a very nice place and only 2 hour** drive from Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia. And its 1 hour** drive from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA). 

**this is my own estimate time. for more information, please use mr.Google. =)



1 comment:

  1. ya ya ... port dickson really is a nice place :) must go there :D
