Sunday, January 26, 2014

SWO Monthly Charity Visit


Today is the most happiest day of my life. That I could help and guide 63 children. I am committed to give them good health and take care of their health for the rest of their life which I will do so through my foundation. I gave them my word that I will give them good nutrition for their immune system and physical well-being and I will also tackle their current health issues. Apart from that we will also change all their beds, mattress and install for them good quality water filter. 

Today we gave them a start to showing them how good life can be. We gave them good games and sports for mental stimulation; volleyball for the girls and basketball for the boys. We also gave them table tennis and foosball table. Apart from that, we are also giving them movies and science and discovery programmes for them to watch, learn and relax their mind, as well as computers for their education. 

These kids need to have good knowledge even though they are underprivileged. If we keep looking at them as orphans and poor, they will remain poor. If we give them good health, good knowledge and good understandings in life, one day they will know how to stand up in their life. And I am committed to do that. I thank to all the volunteers today and members of Avatarians. Thanks for all your support. I really appreciate your good support. This year, SWO is going to go all out to help children, to give them good health. We have the services, facilities and formulations to support them. Thanks to all Sshapeup London employees too.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Life Lesson

Hi people, today has been a very interesting day to me. 
And I wanted to share it with you guys. 
Today I have realize something more in myself. 
The one thing that I thought I had thrown away. But actually it still there. 
What is that? It's my Ego.

I've learned few month back from Avatar to remove my Ego. 
And I being a very good student, gladly follow it.
So, I did the removing Ego ritual or I shall say exercise. 
After that I feel good and proud of myself because I have removed my Ego.
But then, I don't realize that my worries is actually an Ego.

It sounds a bit off right from what Society teach us. 
But that's a truth, worries is an Ego.
How so? 

Well, in my case, I worries a lot about what people thinks/opinion on what I do.
And my good friend, always remind me not to over think about things that didn't concern me.
Then, I took the advice and always tell to myself (whenever my mind wanders to create some thoughts about other people) "Ash, did it concern you? I did not right? So, drop it" 
That's my mantra, to not be affected by people's thought or affecting people with my thought.

I always think that I'm good already. I'm good enough to play in the society world. 
And I think that I have no more Ego and I also think that I'm not affected by people's opinion or I didn't concern anymore about what people think.

Until today, when something's happen that make me finally open my eyes and realize that I still have it in the back of my mind. All this while I just hide it and suppress it in. So that nobody saw.
Today, I've learned my lesson on how my worries take its toll on me.
And I learned the lesson in the hard and costly way.

What happen today is I forgot about my responsibility due to my brain is scattered all over places this past few days. 
And my forgetfulness cost my company some problems. 
Having said that I'm the one who is responsible to the problem, I started to worry
What will my colleague and my boss think of me? Such a simple responsibility but yet I cannot handle it.
What will my partner think? That this Malay girl always create problem and cannot handle her own responsibility. 
My! I got a lot of what will people think over me? In my head.
Instead of focusing at the moment to settle it, I focus more on how will other think of the situation that happens? 
And it dampened me, I feel like giving up. 
Because I've let everybody down and cause them problems.
And I think that I'm useless. 

Until, my good friend (I shall address him as Mr.S) appears in the time I needed somebody the most to pull me out of the box that've prepared for myself.
He makes me realize that I'm actually still holding on to my past and my Ego.

How so? 
I'm holding to my past by thinking that "Here we go Ash, you did it again! And why are you so stupid to forgot your own responsibility? Is it not enough what have you done before?" 
And all other sort of self blaming that I can think off to blame myself. 
I go too hard on myself because I've put a very high expectation on myself, that I should not do this or that because all the mistake is made by normal human, while I'm not. 
Because I've learned so much that I should not make anymore of the so-called stupid mistake.

And, I'm holding on to my Ego. 
The Ego that "What will A will think about me, always make mistake and never want to learn the lesson behind it." 
Or "You're screwed Ash, Boss will yelled the hell out of you! You've done a very big mistake!." 
The Ego that will knocking me so that I will go hard on myself and become depressed. 

At the moment when the thing happen, I just feel like running away and hid myself.
I've done so wrong to my company, bosses, partners and colleagues. 
And I have cost them trouble. (At least that's what my brain want me to believe)

And Mr.S being so patience with me, telling me that all I cannot give up yet. 
Because I'm still learning and the experience that I go through only make me to be strong.
He asked me to removes my worries and stop being to harsh on myself. 
I'm learning as I'm going along with the experienced and I'm not supposed to be stress over it. 
After all, I'm a Human. 
We make mistakes, and we learned our lesson by doing the mistake.
Experience teaches us better lesson, and give us a better understanding about what we have learned.
And yet it's really true, I'm learning from a great Teacher, but I did not experienced it yet.
So, my understanding always only on the surface.
Today only I learned the lesson with a better understanding.
Today I'm able to remove part of the Ego that I still holding on.
And today also I'm able to remove my worries.

After I done that, I feel more relax. Lesser burden on my shoulder now. 
And I got a better understanding on the lesson that I've learned before.
And after all, I realize that all my worries and Ego does not bring me to anywhere. 
It's just will make me become Depressed only and it also cannot bring me up in my life.
And, by worrying and having ego means that I'm collecting more rubbish in my Luggage of Life and thus make my life heavier to move forward.
Today I'm able to remove some of the rubbish, and I will continue in removing more of the rubbish as I go along..

My gratitude to Avatar who always never tired teaching me, even though I'm too tired to learn.
And my endless gratitude to Avatar to always be there for me, not only be there, but also looking over me, and nurturing me to be me, Ash. And not to lost in the jungle of society.

And, my gratitude goes to those who always there in my life (you know who are you-no need for me to

acknowledge it here) to support me and to guide me and to teach me and to wake me up from the dream. Life is bigger and happier with you guys in it.
Thanks for being the mother when I no longer have one to feed me and care about me, as my sister when I need the support ,my brother when I need the laughter and my father when I need guide and confidence.

I am BLESSED to have you in my life...

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Flower Bud

Title: The Flower Bud
By: Evangaline

P/s: This is an amateur writing, trying to express herself through writing. With the hope more people will be help through her words. Enjoy and don't forget to drop your feedback on the comment box!!

Once upon a time, in a beautiful garden. New flower buds come out, she's very excited to grow big and bloom. Everyday she sees the other flowers in the garden blooming and there's a lot of bees and butterfly love to fly to the flower. 
Then she starts comparing herself with the blooming flower. After sometimes her leaf turns yellowish and her stem become weak. 
She always thinks "They're so beautiful and confident, while I'm very small and worthless, no bee or butterfly would want to come to me" whisper the small flower bud.
She comes closer to the flower bud.
"Hi there, what's wrong with you?" Why do you look so dull?" Ask the butterfly.
"I didn't feel good about myself after looking at all the beautiful flower in this garden, they're so beautiful and confident. Sometimes I feel like they don't like me because I'm small and not as beautiful as they are" answer the flower bud, very sad.
"My dear friend, why did you hurt yourself by having the thought? You just don't see your own capability and strength yet.
Every flower that bloom here use to be like you, wondering what's like to grow up and bloom".
"Will I be big?"
"Will I be fragrant?"
"Will I be as beautiful as the rest?"
Do not worry my dear friend, be patience and just keep taking care of yourself.
Make sure you have enough mineral from the soil, get enough water to keep you hydrate and get enough sunlight to support your growth.
And you will soon see.
When you are ready to bloom and have full confident with yourself, not looking out comparing you with the other flower...
You will bloom beautifully, your fragrance will fill the air attracting all the bees and butterfly to admire you. 
And your beauty will touch the lives of others and your presence will be a blessing to the garden.
You are beautiful now and you'll be always beautiful. You just need to accept your strength and weakness.
By then , you'll see what I can see"
Then the butterfly fly away and stop at one beautiful rose that live across the flower bud.
After listening to the butterfly, flower buds then realize that she worth a piece of place in the garden, her presence is not worthless but a blessing.
And then she starts to take care of herself without looking out to compare with other flower.
She just happy absorbing all the minerals, water and sun.

After sometimes, the butterfly fly to the same garden and she remembered there's one small flower bud that she talked to before.
But when she arrived, she was shocked to see that there's no more flower bud there.
But there is one big Roses blooming happily and healthily.
Her fragrance can be smell from far and her presence make all the worries in the heart go away.
The butterfly is full of curiosity, because the rose that she sees now is different than what she saw before.
So she decided to go there and talk to the flower.
"Hi there, do you remember me?" Ask the butterfly to the rose
"Hi butterfly, of course I remember you
You are the one who make me realize who I am.
You have made me realize that to be confident and strong, we have to take a good care of myself.
When I just a flower bud, I'm always look outside of me.
Looking at all the other flower, envy and putting them up high, until I forgot to take care of myself.
After we talked, you've open up my eyes, and now I'm happy with myself and I'm enjoying every moment of my life.
Thank you my dear butterfly"
Dear beautiful rose, I have done nothing, I just help you to understand that beauties are deep within.
When you have the beauty in you, it will shine through to the surface.
And my duty here is now over, I should leave.
Goodbye rose, hopefully we will see each other again", 
And by that  the butterfly spread her wing and fly away.
The Rose let the butterfly go with full of joy.
As she knows, that the butterfly go for good, to spread the joy to other flowers.
And she is very glad that she speaks out her mind to the butterfly and now she become her truly self.
The beautiful rose flower, a very strong flower and full of confidence.

P/s: Image credit to Google

Monday, September 23, 2013


A story about Value, Honor and Life by Chris Kok

A person who is stranded alone in the hot Sahara Desert for two weeks without water will really value the first glass of water given to him.

The feeling/thoughts that sets upon him when he sees that first glass of water is “VALUE”.
At that moment, he would drink the water if there was a fly inside (no more complains).

During the time that this man drinks the water, he made a vow in silence that he will no longer be the old him if he survives this ordeal.

He will not be selfish, deceitful, temperamental, lazy, greedy, jealous and vindictive.

He will always smile, live his life with full gratitude and help others.

After he survives the ordeal, it is time for him to HONOR the silent vow he made at the desert. His actions thereon will determine whether he HONORS.

The man survives the ordeal and gets back to his life.

For the first six months, he honored his vow and he was smiling all the time and he was filled with gratitude that he survived. He even started his own little project to provide free tuition for underprivileged children.

After 6 months, the news media heard about his ordeal and what he was doing thereafter, and offered him an interview and he was also offered to publish his story. All these offers came with lucrative monetary returns.

His wife advised him to take up the offer only from the highest bidder and he felt that was a very good idea.
As it turns out, he found out that the next offer always promises higher payments.

His friend for many years convinced him that he needed a professional manager and offered himself for the job. The man thought about it and agreed with his friend. Now that his friend became the manager, all offers had to be vetted by “the Manager” before it could be considered.

The wife was furious when she found out that her husband had opted for a friend to be the manager instead of appointing her. That sparked off rounds of quarrels and heated arguments.

Now, the man became sad and he was no longer smiling anymore.

He could no longer feel the gratitude of being able to survive. 

All he could feel was the sorrow, frustration and anger due to his troubled marriage. 

Even his private project providing free tuition for the underprivileged children had stopped.
He no longer remember the vow that he made when he was about to die in the desert. 
Turns out, he only honored his vow for six months. 

When prospects of money came into his life, everything spiraled downwards. 
It was not the fault of his wife or his friend or the money-offering media. 
It was his own doing. He lost himself simply because he no longer honors anything.

Things got out of hand eventually and the man decides to take a long vacation alone in his private jet that he bought with the down payment he received from the publishers. 

As fate turns out, the engines on his jet failed midway and his plane plunges into the desert. 
He found himself back where he was before………..stranded alone in the desert without water.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Alice in La La Land

P/s: This story wrote by my very own friend Kate Lim, Its so inspiring and an eye opener about how we corrupted our 'file' by listening to society. Sometimes is good for us to step back and ponder, whether do we live our life until now or do we live the life that society want us to? Because even God could not help us if we choose not to help our self.. Enjoy reading! 

Story title: Alice in LA LA Land by KiatShin Lim

Once upon a time, there was a girl name Alice.  

Alice was taught by her parents that at age 10, every girl should go out and find money for the parents. This is how life should be.   

So at age 10, Alice began working as a house keeper. Her employer was abusive and they always made her do things out of her strength and capability.  So Alice went home and told her parents about this and this is what her parents said to her: “It is your job, you should be responsible of everything. Don’t ask us for solution. You must solve everything in life yourself.”  

“Parents should know best “Alice thought.   

So she continued to work in the house, and of course, the abuse never stopped.   

On Alice 11th birthday, she wished that she could meet god so that she could tell everything to god, hoping god would change her life.   

The next day, as Alice was fetching water from the well, she tripped and fell into the well. As she opened her eyes, she found herself safe and sound, sitting on a beautiful grass. As she looked around, she saw a human figure sitting by the lake. She approached the person only to find out that he was GOD.  

God asked Alice: “What brought you here Alice. How’s life for you?”  

Immediately, Alice mind was flooded with all the abusive experiences she had at work and she wanted to tell this to God. But suddenly, Alice paused as another thought came into her mind: 
“If this is god, he should know what is going on. If god knows what is going on with my life, I should not be complaining any of this. What god gave me; it must be good; just like all that my parents have taught me, they must be good too!” So Alice smiled and said: “Everything is good God.”  

God went on and asked: “Is there anything that you would like ask me, Alice?”  

Alice had so many questions to ask in her mind - like she couldn't understand why she has to work at age 10 when other kids are at school. But Alice remained silent and said: “No God!”   

”Before you go, would you like to make a wish?” asked God. 

 Alice puzzled for a moment and said NO.  

When Alice woke up, she noticed she was late for work. So she quickly dressed up and ran hurriedly to work. On her way to work, she wondered if the incident that happened the day before was real. The image of God kept popping up in her mind and she couldn't help wonder if that was truly God.   

Alice couldn't focus at work, and this caught her employer’s attention. He began beating Alice up with a broom stick but Alice did not cry because Alice was taught by her parents that crying is only for babies.   

As Alice arrived home after work, her parents was furious to see her injuries. They blamed her for not doing a great job at work and that she deserved to be punished.   

Alice felt confused and helpless.  

While she lay on her bed, Alice began to wonder if that was God that she met. She thought: “If that was God, he could have known everything that is going on in my life – but he didn't seem to know; he didn't do anything.”  

Alice concluded that HE wasn't God and she fell asleep.   

The next morning, her normal routine continued...  

Overtime, Alice's body could not take the heavy workload as a housekeeper anymore, dis-ease gradually developed and she passed away at age 15.   

When Alice woke up in heaven, she saw the same person that she met at the bottom of the well – God.

Alice was so furious; she walked up to God and asked him: “You met me the other day, you know what was going on with my life! But you didn't help me. How could you!?”  

- - -  
Is it so?” asked God.   

And HE paused for a while with his eyes closed and continued with his reply: 
“I thought I asked you how life was and you said GOOD”.  

“I was lying and you should know that!” said Alice angrily.  

“Yes. I know you were lying Alice!”, replied God. “That’s why I couldn't help you.”   

“I gave you the chance to speak the truth, but you refused. You would rather obey what you THOUGHT is the right thing to do than to speak the truth from your heart.   

How can I safe you?   

- The End -

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Benefits of Drinking Water..

Drinking a healthy amount of water is vital to your health. 
You can never imagine just by drinking a healthy amount of water, you gain tremendous health benefits, and sometimes you can even throw away your migraine medicine or pain killer.
Before you can appreciate the benefits of water to your health, let's review the role of water in human body. 

Function of Water in The Body 
The human body is anywhere from 55% to 78% water depending on body size.
A rule of thumb, 2/3 of body is consists of water, and it is the main component of human body.

Did you know that your tissues and organs are mainly made up of water?
Here is the %:

  • Muscle consists of 75% of water 
  • Brain consists of 90% of water 
  • Bone consists of 22% of water 
  • Blood consists of 83% of water 

The function of water in human body are vital. 
The water: 

  • Transport nutrients and oxygen into cells. 
  • Moisturizes the air in lungs 
  • Helps with metabolism 
  • Protects our vital organ 
  • Helps our organ to absorb nutrients better 
  • Regulate body temperature 
  • Detoxifies 
  • Protects and moisturizes our joints 

Every cell in your body needs water from head to toe 
That is why it is so important to drink enough fluid. 
Take for example, brain consist of 90% of water, if you do not supply enough water to your body, your brain cannot function well, and you will get headache or migraine. 
Hence, next time if you feel fatigue and headaches, it may be the sign of dehydration.